Friday 22 March 2013

More twitching

From Bintang we journeyed just a couple of hours upstream to Tendaba.  The birds were even more abundant so here's just a few select pictures - I may have taken a few more...

Sunrise on the river Gambia 
Yellow crowned gonolek
Malachite kingfisher
Blue Breasted kingfisher

After a bit of a break in the afternoon - it was too hot to do anything other than sit by the river & try & stay in the shade, it was back on the river for a spot of fishing.  Well, there were fish jumping around but all we had to show for our efforts was Scott's broken line and Tony's big branch that he captured from the depths.

fish weren't taking this bait

The final night here was marked not only by an 8-0 win for England over the mighty San Marino, but some of the local villagers coming over to sing and dance.
Dancing, Gambian style

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