Sunday 17 March 2013

Into Senegal

Sometimes on an overlanding trip you need to make some tough decisions.  Having crossed the boarder from Guinea Bissau to Senegal, negotiating multiple police checkpoints (including one within sight of the previous one) we made it, bribe free, to Kabrousse on the west coast.

Choice number one, where to swim:
..or beach
On the beach were a variety of items, some more common than others - depending on your expectations of a beach.


palm tree
local boy (in the photograph)
After a couple of relaxing days on the beach the furthest we'd ventured was an hours walk to the neighbouring fishing village.  That meant walking past the old french sunbathers at the club med resort and finding a man named Luna who not only convinced us to come back for dinner that evening but also gave me a personal guided tour the next morning.
Fish drying
The men go out and fish, coming back in around 11 am when all the women will come down to the beach.  There is a large building which is the creche and the rest of the women set to work drying the fish with salt.
Baby shark
The snail in the region are pretty huge and the shells are used in the concrete mix for the buildings, the village is still being rebuilt after being destroyed by rebels in the late '90s
snail shell mountain

Luna and a fish

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