Tuesday 19 March 2013

Casamance region

The Casamance region of Sengal that has been off limits for tourists or a few years so it's a privilege to be able to visit, spending a couple of days camping on the banks of the river and taking day trips on the boat.
We were staying at a Campemont owned by a nice french chap called Luc.  He has rebuilt the place & intends to pass it over to the locals once he's earnt his investment back.

camping on the river
Pied kingfisher
The first day we went out to the nearby island, Ile de Karobane
 for a walk around an abandoned church (except for the bats), past the mosque, a few birds and an afternoon 


Back in the afternoon for a bit of book reading and a beautiful sunset
sunset at Campemont Villageois
The following day we journeyed further down the river to Point St George for a long walk in the baking hot sun to a very large tree.  Since health & safety doesn't exist in this part of the world we were able to climb a ladder around 15m into the tree for a view over the canopy, there was a safety line, but they didn't have a harness and the platform is rotten so we didn't risk standing on that..
We tried a little rice wine from the hard(?) working locals before heading back or lunch and some afternoon (unsuccessful) manity spotting.

Tree ladder

Rice wine

 The way back we were treated to dolphins playing off the side of the boat


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