Tuesday 5 March 2013


Our '9 seater' taxis arrived so we squeezed in & took the dirt roads to Douki where a chap called Hasan has set up a thriving little hiking business. After an excellent lunch he took a few of us off for a long walk, the most exercise I've had since trekking in Borneo & I was glad not to be carrying a 15kg rucksack this time.
At the sight of this spectacular landscape Hasan's response was "you ain't seen nothing yet".


red indian
He pointed out a variety of different rick formations, much like constellations you sometimes need a good imagination. Elephants, Red Indians, a giraffe,

Fouta Djalon
After a dip in the waterfall we clambered down into a cave and swam to the edge of another waterfall then hung off the edge of a cliff for spectacular views before clambering along vines on the Indiana jones section of the walk.

Climbing vines
In the evening a couple of us enjoyed the hospitality of Hasan for Manchester United v Real Madrid, who opens his house whenever the football is on. Try to picture a 4m x 4m room with 7 men on 3 sofas around the edge of the room, a 20" tv and about 60 kids, all boys, all aged 6-10, on the floor with even more outside. Real Madrid seemed to have the favour of the crowd, so they were happy with an away win.  We stayed the night in a traditional Fula hut

Accommodation - Foula hut

The second day was more walking, waterfalls and views, as well as a couple of quick stops at the bakery and the school.

Bakery, Douki


Waterfall 1

Waterfall 2
plunge pool
King Kong

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