Wednesday 13 March 2013

Guinea Bissau

First stop in Guinea Bissau was another washing spot, the falls at Saltinho.  Camping in the grounds of a hotel again, this spot is a big (in relative terms) tourist attraction for hunters & the hotel staff were preparing birds brought in by some of the other guests.
Bridge over Saltinho falls
We headed for the falls as a spot to wash ourselves and some clothes and were joined by a number of young local boys who showed off diving in.

Saltinho falls

Woman, Guinea Bissau
From Saltinho it was onwards and westwards to the coast and capital city of Bissau.  It's an incredible city of contrasts with old, run down colonial buildings very much reminiscent of Cuba.  It's also a key entry port for the drugs trade so there's some rather flash cars around.

Buildings in Bissau
 The port is an incredible spot to be early in the morning as the fishing boats come in and unload there catch.
Bissau Port

Rotting hull, Bissau
One of the highlights of the trip was an afternoon in an artesian market, we spent a couple of hours there with a local musician, playing the drums and guitar & other stall holders joining on balafon and drums.  The whole time there were only a couple of other tourists passing through so there was little trading happening, but the music was great.

Artesian market, Bissau

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