Wednesday 27 March 2013


And so we roll into town for my final stop of the year - Dakar, capital of Senegal.
Dakar panoramic

Presidential Palace, Dakar
A stroll around town revealed we were in the similar place to Accra at the very start, since indeed, Accra. Both are very different from most of the West Africa we visited, there are thriving businesses, large markets (not so unusual) and signs of affluence in things like the cars. It wouldn't have been a surprise to find a McDonalds or Starbucks here.

Dakar cathedral

The memorable highlight however was all down to random chance. Accompanying Ida to the Ethiopian embassy we had a few hours while waiting for the visa to be issued. Across the road from the embassy was, not only the Supreme Court, but also Magic World.

Where the magic happens

It looked a little empty and having bought our entry tickets a walk around did little to dispel the doubts, building works, empty rides & no people. After an attempt at a refund we were accompanied to the ride of our choice and it was started up for us. Yes, we has a whole theme park (more or less) to ourselves.
Riding the caterpillar
Riding the ghost train

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