Wednesday 27 February 2013


Rolling into Freetown at the end of the first leg of West Africa, time to stop for a few days, say goodbyes to a few good people & meet our 6 newbies.
Cotton Tree, Freetown
The main attraction of Freetown as a city from the guidebooks is the cotton tree - essentially just a large tree in the centre of town...
Law courts, Freetown
We had a very interesting visit to the law courts though, chatting to the policeman at the gate he let us just wander in & then introduced us to a lawyer, who in turn took us into Court no.1 and sat us on the press bench while we tried to work out what was going on in the organised chaos of witnesses & defendants being called & huge files of papers being passed around.

Tribal costumes, National museum
We also managed a very interesting visit to the small national museum, with an excellent guide talking about the exhibits and European football.

The hotel we stayed in was particularly nice with a balcony view over the water (& rubbish dump)

Sunrise by the hotel


Just a short motor taxi down the road from the hotel was the beach area of Aberdeen & a lovely setting for a final meal & beers watching the sun set & guys kicking a ball around.  Short break over & we were off on the road again heading for the boarder with Guinea.
pied crow

Football on the beach, Freetown

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