Monday 11 February 2013

Bossou Chimps

The roads have changed to dirt tracks & we even forded a small river (it would have been an entirely different proposition in rainy season.

Aminah heading for the river
The research centre at Bossou was the setting of our camp for the night before a morning trekking in search of chimpanzees.
Bossu chimps

Bossu chimps
The 7 o'clock start proved to be true african timing, at 9 the oldies of the group were selected to start with the first guide and it was another hour before the rest of us set off. After an hour of hot trekking through scratching vegetation and following chimp deposits we caught our of a mother and child. We soon lost them & the oldies joined us having seemingly just walked the long way around for an extra hour. We were hot on the trail of 3 males and followed them for some time through the bushes before they stopped to climb a tree.
Bossu chimps

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