Sunday 17 February 2013

Driving the forest region

Driving through the heart of the Guinea forest region, bush camping, we've now entered the heart of the non-touristy areas of west africa. On their last trip Dave and Jimmy had spent 3 days in search of a vine bridge, so this time it was easy to head back and renegotiate with the village chief to walk through his land to an incredible feat of engineering.
Vine bridge, Guinea

Vine bridge, Guinea
We stopped at a couple of memorable spots for the evening, setting up camp, sometimes in the middle of nowhere, at other times somewhere close enough to habitation to draw an audience.
Sunset, bushcamping, Guinea

Honey bee camp, Guinea
 After a few days of camping it was an absolute treat to stop for the night at a waterfall & get a full power shower
Waterfall , Guinea
 Long drive days but stunning scenery and numerous little villages typically of mud brick and thatch construction.

Passing village, Guinea

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