Sunday 27 January 2013


Back row L-R: Elizabeth, Simon, Clare, Hatter, Kristina,
Drew, Ray, Alexis, Sally, Dave, Gemma, Jimmy, Annie
Front row; Anna, Jamie, Ida, Rowan
First boarder crossing safely negotiated and we were soon on the road in Burkina Faso.  First stop was a sad one as we waved goodbye to Kristina in Ougadougou.  Here we a taste of some live music and stilt dancing, hopefully a pre-cursor to more of these things later in the trip.

Then onto the the equally fantastically named BoboDiolassou

The Grand mosque is one of the most picturesque in the region and a good reason, if no other was needed to get up in the morning to see it in a great light.

Grand Mosque, Bobo

Grand Mosque, Bobo

Grand Mosque, Bobo 
Women carrying water, outside the Grand Mosque, Bobo
The Islamic influence is strong, and extends to the design of the local railway station
Railway station, Bobo

The evening in Bobo was a chance to celebrate with the locals as Burkina qualified past the group stages of the African nations cup for the first tie in a number of years.
Burkina qualify for qtr finals

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