Saturday 26 January 2013


Final stop in Ghana was the town of Bolgatanga and the base for a trip into the Tonga hills and the village of Tengzung.  The president of the town has 18 wives and, depending on who you ask, 80-115 children.  There were a number of sacrificial alters and a variety of animal skulls from chickens to donkeys.  The girls declined the opportunity to visit the shrine, local rules are everyone must remove shoes and tops before clambering through the rocks to see a huge pile of chicken feathers.

Tonga hills
Tengzung presidential palace


Girl with water
Back in Bolga at the Stanford Bridge pub (there is an unhealthy interest in Chelsea, even if they can't spell),  we met a couple of girls who were organising a series of peace rallies around the country linked to the elections of last month.  The next morning we turned up to see what was happening, and although the event hadn't really got going we were given t-shirts and treated as visiting dignitaries, pressing the flesh with the local school children.

Peace rally Bolgatanga

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