Monday 14 January 2013

Into Africa

A flying visit to London, catch up with a few friends and family and secure a visa and then onto Accra, the capital of Ghana.
Time to meet up with the gang I'll be travelling with for the next 5-9 weeks and a couple of days to look around the bustling city.
After an abortive attempt to visit Osu castle, being the home of the Ghanian government meant they weren't too keen on photos.  The first stop was the second largest city square in the world (after Tiananmen)

Black Star Square

Independence Arch
 Onto a pretty nice memorial park, spoilt a little by the main road running outside but full of a variety of trees and statues.

Kwame Nkrumah memorial park
One of the things Ghana is famous for is it's approach to slightly different approach to death.  The coffin makers really do make to order, and the only limit to what you can be buried in is your imagination; we saw ants, beer bottles, a camera, buses, trucks, basically anything goes.

Fish coffins
 There's endless photo opportunities when the kids spot a camera 

Kids in Accra

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