Sunday 13 May 2012

The road to San Pedro

I had no intention of writing about today - after plenty of landscape pictures from the last 2 days how different could it be? Cloudy & even a spot of rain as we departed Salta, it didn't look like there would be much more to do than finish The Motorcycle Diaries and pick a new book. But a couple of hours in, back past the 7 coloured mountain, and we got into the land of hairpin bends.

typical coach meal
For posterity ì´ve also added in a picture of lunch, pretty typical from the last few journeys - this really is the adults, not the child´s version, despite the cartoon nature of the biscuits provided.  It´s definitely fair to say the Argentinians have a sweet tooth, I think I forgot to mention the tea on the train yesterday was served with sugar already added.

The following selection of pictures come with the caveat they were taken on a moving coach, through a mucky window, on a compact camera, mostly into the sun. Anyway, excuses made, you'll hopefully get the picture. 
For a fuller experience I suggest turning the heating up to 25+, shining a 100watt bulb into the right hand side of your face and playing the slideshow with Newton Faulkner as the soundtrack.

salt mining

salt flats

the new colour select button i´ve found on my camera in action

sunset San Pedro de Atacama
sunset San Pedro de Atacama

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