Thursday 31 May 2012

Español in Sucre

Sucre, the capital of Bolivia and the capital of Spanish schools. It's impossible to go anywhere without finding another backpacker learning the language so that's exactly what I did too, 4 hrs a day every afternoon. That left the morning free to go to the amazing market where the stalls were piled high & there'd be at least 5 or 10 stalls selling the exact same next it.
daily fruit salad for breakfast

too many customers @ sucre market

My final day in Sucre was the 203rd anniversary of independence. The president came to clap & wave from the balcony as most of the town paraded past. The previous couple of days also saw warm up parades in the morning, if I'm honest I'm not sure what the difference was other than the dignitaries & tv crew.

Sucre parades
Sucre parades

El presidente in the middle
Sucre parades

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