Friday 11 May 2012

The drugs do work

From Mendoza north to Salta as the base to explore the Jujuy province of Argentina.  Today´s day trip was a chance to witness the incredible landscape.  

7 coloured mountain - Purmamarca
Pucará de Tilcara

Travelling at altitude the guidebooks all talk of the locals chew coca leaves to combat the effects of altitude, today was the chance to put this to the test.  Admittedly we didn´t go much above 3,000m but we all dutifully followed our guides instructions to hold the leaves in our mouths for an hour & I can report no side affects from the altitude (or the coca)
Humahuaca Monument

 We also passed through the tropic of Capricorn - the imaginary line between the 2 stone monuments pictured

View from the tropic of Capricorn

Tropic of Capricorn

Final stop of the day at Maimara


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