Wednesday 4 April 2012

3000km to the end of the world

So I've covered a fair bit of ground since the last update from Buenos Aires joining a tour on an overland truck (23)

We've more or less driven down the coast of Argentina to the town of Ushuaia - the most southerly city in the world. Much of the time has been spent in the truck looking at the changing scenery.
We stopped for a day at the peninsula Valdes to see penguins, seals and distant orca whales although the armadillo was probably my personal favourite.
Last night we spent a couple of hours in Chile, including a car ferry (24) crossing

and a fair bit of time at the boarders to get into Tierra del Fuego which is the archipelago of islands at the bottom of Argentina.
Ushuaia is also the town which claims to be the capital of the Falkland islands and we missed the PM marking the 30th anniversary by one day.

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