Sunday 18 March 2012

Easy as 1 2 3 - 4!

Off the mark departing Raleigh HQ on foot (1) to Borough market for a pedibus (2) trip powered with the help of a few friends. A highlight of the trip the hillstart around the IMAX at Waterloo. For those not familiar with the pedibus it's pictured below, essentially evidence of what a little imagination, 8 sets of pedals & chains and a lot of welding can do.
Photo credits from l-r the powerhouse team of Cathy, Jayne, Anita, Rich (hidden), Dave the driver with no license, me, Steve, Stephan & Rich.

Onwards joined by Sal, James, Agata, James, Sarah & Sarah for a few leaving drinks. I'll miss you all.

Back to the journey & a cheeky little 1 stop on the tube (3) before the train (4) back to twickers full of celebrating Englishman

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