Thursday 1 March 2012

Place your bets

Hopefully you've already sponsored me at:

if so, I thank you.  If not it's only a click away..

So the plan is to leave Raleigh HQ in London 17 March and get to Raleigh HQ in Borneo around 21st September - just over 6 months and 3 continents away.  I'll be tracking the different modes of transport I use, Charlie Boorman style and along the way I'll pick up a fabulous* prize for the person who guesses closest. So comment below with the number you think I'll get to join in & win!

Cut off date for entries is 14 July (my next return to the UK)
the definition of a mode of transport will be at my discretion and in case of disputes a jury comprising my travelling peers
*prize may or may not be truly fabulous


  1. Hey Simon - my guess is 24 - can't quite remember how I got to the number but remember bus and coach are two different modes! Have an excellent time!

  2. I'm going for 18. And I won't accept any of your creative interpretations of modes of transport.
    Have a great time old bean. Hope that we get to see you in Peru.

  3. Claire Freimanis19 March 2012 at 16:50

    I am going for 25 (if only so I can beat Amy!)

  4. I am going to go with 34 as i know how creative you can be. Remember that a catamaran is different to a sail boat and that is different to a motor boat

  5. Well I am going for 40..... some rationale in there but that would be telling!!!

  6. 101 :-)and i cannot tell the rationale, not yet
