Wednesday 28 March 2012

28 hours in Uruguay

Having bumped into a familiar face from Rio, my birthday finished with a town planner from Oz buying me beer, random but true.
Only a few hours later it was time for another flight, this one took just 30 mins to get to Montevideo. I don't have a huge amount to report from there the highlights include a good Independence Square and a German travelling the world with a 30litre rucksack.
I know you're all waiting for the next transport update & the ferry (21) back to Buenos Aires was a big one. That was followed up with a little bonus of an electric tram (22) in BA - 15p well spent!

Sunday 25 March 2012

Cultural overload in BA

Spent the morning chasing tickets for Boca but ended up at the Maradona stadium for Argentinos Juniors v Estudiantes.  Relatively average game but fantastic atmosphere from both sets of fans singing, chanting & jumping even in the rain despite the home team losing.
the one that got away..
The bit that made it special was access to the pitch straight after the game, sitting on the bench & standing next to their best player as he was interviewed (Pablo Hernandez for the record just in case he ever gets famous)
on the pitch

Then on the way out of the ground meeting the all time top scorer for the Argentina national team.

A bit of a gear shift for the evening, perhaps the extra year is taking it´s effect but I signed up for a tango show.  In theory it was fine dining but the long anticipated Steak & red wine didn´t quite live up to the billing.  However the tango was surprisingly good, spectacular for the ability to fit all the moves onto a small stage and not hit the band with the high kicks

Iguazu II - up close & personal

A second day at the falls, this time from the Argentinian side was another day well spent.
Starting off with a truck (17) ride through the forest as Iguazu in situated in a huge national park. The highlight of the day was a proper soaking by taking a boat (18) into the heart of the falls.

To top it off there was a little theme park train (19) running up to visit 'the devils throat'

I was expecting to have little to report on today but the tractor (20) has to get a mention. Admittedly three quarters of the journey was downhill with the engine switched off but my rules are fairly open so it all counts.
I'm now writing this from a vantage point at which Argentina borders Brazil & Paraguay as the sun starts to go down, before jetting off tonight to Buenos Aires.

Friday 23 March 2012

The magnificent Iguazu

So today was all about the waterfalls of Iguazu. A few pictures hardly do justice to the sight, sounds & feel of so much water. April is the lowest flow in the year so that gives an idea that this is just a fraction of the water that flows through later in the high season.

These are from the Brazilian side, which means I was back in Brazil less than 8 hours after leaving and set a new p.b. of 6 passport stamps in 1 day.

I also got to add coach (16) to the list - the prime distinction between a bus & a coach is not the extra leg room or large reclining seats, but the sweets handed out by the driver before leaving.

Wednesday 21 March 2012

Bye Bye Brazil

It's been short & sweet but I'm jetting off to Argentina in a few short hours. Rio has been great - so much better than expected & there are plenty of reasons to come back annually for the next few years - copa america, the world cup, pan-american games & the Olympics. Only a cynic could wonder how so many premium events were won in a short space of time, so I won't.

So today started with a car (14) ride, & before any objections are raised, how many taxis have blacked out windows? Then onto moto taxi (15) for a ride to the top of Rocinha favela a place apparently transformed since the police (aided by the army & navy) moved in 6 months ago. Overnight house prices more than doubled, the satellite tv men moved in with wire cutters to stop the illegal sharing, followed swiftly by the satellite tv salesmen & there is now a sea of dishes. An amazing place to visit & you can only wonder how the face of rio will change over the coming years.

Unfortunately all my pictures are on my proper camera & as this blog is sponsored by the I-phone & i forgot until the afternoon, today's offering comes from the botanical gardens. It's dedicated to Dave as the person most likely to identify it, although it was taken in the orchid house so I'm fairly confident on the species. Some may wonder why having lived in sight of kew gardens wall & not gone in for 2 years I went there today, but I'm on holiday now so all bets are off.

Tuesday 20 March 2012


I've decided to try & record my presence in each country with a photo that couldn't be taken somewhere else. This may be challenging in the future but I think this ticks the box for Brazil.

Along the way i also picked up minibus (12) and cable car (13) - it's going to get harder soon

The girl from Ipanema...

didn't seem to be around yesterday so you'll need to put up with a photo of the beach instead.

Just a quick post for the record, before I head off in search of Christ (I hear he's quite easy to find)
So not counting the bus from the airport I have a taxi (10) and travellator (11) at the metro station to add.

Sunday 18 March 2012

Rich pickings at the airport

A new day, some more transport to be taken. The bus (5) was no surprise but I'm expecting a stewards enquiry to be initiated by Rich, as I factor in the lift (6), monorail (7) and escalator (8) before boarding the plane (9)

What a morning for you transport aficionados

Easy as 1 2 3 - 4!

Off the mark departing Raleigh HQ on foot (1) to Borough market for a pedibus (2) trip powered with the help of a few friends. A highlight of the trip the hillstart around the IMAX at Waterloo. For those not familiar with the pedibus it's pictured below, essentially evidence of what a little imagination, 8 sets of pedals & chains and a lot of welding can do.
Photo credits from l-r the powerhouse team of Cathy, Jayne, Anita, Rich (hidden), Dave the driver with no license, me, Steve, Stephan & Rich.

Onwards joined by Sal, James, Agata, James, Sarah & Sarah for a few leaving drinks. I'll miss you all.

Back to the journey & a cheeky little 1 stop on the tube (3) before the train (4) back to twickers full of celebrating Englishman

Thursday 1 March 2012

Place your bets

Hopefully you've already sponsored me at:

if so, I thank you.  If not it's only a click away..

So the plan is to leave Raleigh HQ in London 17 March and get to Raleigh HQ in Borneo around 21st September - just over 6 months and 3 continents away.  I'll be tracking the different modes of transport I use, Charlie Boorman style and along the way I'll pick up a fabulous* prize for the person who guesses closest. So comment below with the number you think I'll get to join in & win!

Cut off date for entries is 14 July (my next return to the UK)
the definition of a mode of transport will be at my discretion and in case of disputes a jury comprising my travelling peers
*prize may or may not be truly fabulous