Sunday 23 December 2012

Sandakan heritage trail

Dear reader, this is your opportunity to save hundreds of pounds and experience the Sandakan heritage trail.

First take a portable wifi device on which to view the photos.

Then take a treadmill and position it in a sauna.
Start at a steady walking pace and every 10 mins for the next 2 hours flick to the next photo.

First stop the main square

WW II monument

Now switch to a stepper for the 100 steps
100 steps not all in tip top condition

Don't forget to appreciate the nature around you

flower en route
WW II chinese monumnet

Japanese cemetery 

The presidents official residence
Time for a quick refreshment stop. Relocate to the nearest English Tea House and order 2 scones and some English breakfast tea. It's almost certainly raining outside, so congratulate yourself on a well timed break. Don't forget to play some Christmas tunes in the background.
The English tea house
Now back to the sauna. Next up someone's house, you likely have no idea who Agnes is yet, stick with it.
Agnes Keith's house
Another cemetery
St Michael's & all angels church
Goddess of mercy chinese temple

Final stop, the heritage museum (photos not allowed) primary exhibit is all about some true American explorers, the Johnsons. They made films of Borneo & Africa to finance their next travels during the 30s. Agnes Keith also gets a mention for her books on Borneo.

Congratulations, you have now completed the Sandakan Heritage trail - my christmas gift to you.

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