Monday 1 October 2012

Project Planning

me, John & Nat & our new home in the background

The next couple of months are going to be split into 3 main phases.  Phase 1 & 2 will be building a gravity water feed in a village (kampong) Nuguh. With my fellow phase 1 project managers we went out to visit the site, meet the locals and our project partner and prepare for the 12th when we finally head back with another 10 volunteers in tow and the responsibility to provide 20 homes with water.

meeting the head man & family

After a few hours of taxis, minibuses and 4x4 we arrived at the village, about halfway between Kota Marudu & Pitas for anyone who wants to look on a map. 
First stop was meeting the head man with our project partner Eddie.  Without Eddie we would have been lost, not only is he able to expand on our Malay (hello, thankyou, rice & noodles only get you so far) but he's also built some of these things before and knows what to do with a strap wrench

view from my bed

We spent a couple of nights in the village in the place we will soon be calling home.  The head man's son is building a new house, it may only be half finished but most importantly it has a roof, a first floor, which once the floorboards are all nailed down will be a sleeping area with a view - no walls for extra ventilation & uninterupted sunrise & sunsets.

my new quarters

current water supply

The second day was spent surveying the village by GPS.  We visited the 20 houses & church to confirm the gravity aspect of the system really will work.  There are around 100 people currently living in the village & this gave us a chance to meet a number of them.

We also got to check out the local school in the neighbouring village, 300 kids aged 7-12 come in from 6 villages.  It's the other side of what will be our swimming & washing facilities the river at the bottom of the hill.

a local house

washing facilities

Tobacco drying


  1. Hi, can you post the GPS coordinates of the water tank project village so we can look it up on google earth? Thanks!

  2. N: 06 36 783
    E: 117 00 588

    not sure how long it will take to see 4 new big blue water tanks on google earth

  3. Hi Simon, thank you for providing the GPS coordinates. Google earth is still at a very very low resolution but hopefully that will change now the tanks are in place ;-). Thijs had a marvellous time in Sabah and hopefully you had the same experience. regards.
