Thursday 30 August 2012

Into Siberia

Leaving Moscow on the Trans-Mongolian train, a 4 day journey lay ahead across 5 time zones and 4,000km from Europe into Asia.

Trans-Mongolin Train through Russia
The time actually passed by remarkably quickly in a cycle of eating, drinking, playing cards & games & sleeping.  Somewhat disappointingly the restaurant car could not better the instant noodles stocked up on in Moscow. Boiling water is on tap in every carriage so no shortage of tea.
3 or 4 times a day (which could be the middle of the night) we'd stop at a station for 20mins or so which provided the opportunity for some fresh air, but again not much in the way of food.

Typal railway station en-route

An untypical chance to buy food on the platform

Ice cream, not a old as the packaging

The 4 bed cabins are a little cramped but offer up a decent amount of storage space under the bottom bunk with further storage above the door. The beds are perfectly sized for my thermarest which is now entering its 9th year of service.

4 berth cabin
Much of the first couple of days scenery was dominated by trees but gradually the landscape changed. We even went around a few beds (see picture of train above)

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