Wednesday 4 July 2012

Nazca & Arequipa

After Cusco things took a turn for the unexpected.  I´d been planning to head back to Bolivia, but instead found the overnight bus to Nazca and literally performed a flying visit to the Nazca and the eponymous lines, which are huge ancient drawings in the stone - another of the worlds mysteries as to how they came into being.

On the road Cusco to Nazca



For good measure, the little prop plane (40) is a whole new mode of travel and the only way to see the lines, a test of endurance with all the banking for photos.

the big 4-0

From Nazca, after watching Spain destroy Italy, back on the overnight bus to Arequipa and a 2 day trip to see the nature wonders of Colca Canyon and the condors with an overnight stay in Chivay

El Misti - Arequipa

typical tourist trap at a viewpoint



Condor (juvenile)

Colca sour


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