Saturday 16 June 2012

Wildlife in the Pampas

Having finished my time at jacj cuisi with a ride into town on the back of a pickup truck (37), litterally sitting on the rubbish - luckily there was a straw mattress in there.
pickup into Rurre

It was time to venture into the Pampas in search of wildlife, 3 hours out of Rurre we boarded our our little wooden motor boats (38) in which we were to spend many hours over the next 3 days.
the pampas gang on board with Kiki

We had a pretty amazing & lucky time from the toucan flying past, caiman in the camp & spotted at night, and finding an anaconda just after we'd given up trekking through swampland for 2 hours.
black caiman
We spent an afternoon fishing for piranhas, although I can't claim to have contributed to our evening meal.
dinner (piranha)
capuchin monkey

owl outside the dinning hut

The most amazing thing though had to be the playful pink dolphins who swam around us & played with each other, the guide was so happy he wanted copies of some photos for his sister.
pink dolphins
pink dolphin

sunset from the camp
We also had plenty of mosquitos to keep us company, particularly at sunrise & sunset, but worth braving them to get some photos.
sunrise in the pampas

sunrise in the pampas

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